Tech Publications

The Parts Locator


A bi-monthly newsletter and bulletin where members advertise parts and other items for sale or wanted; reproduced items and literature are available from members or the club; other items of interest to members are also available.

The Hupp Herald


A multi award-winning publication, mailed three times per year to the active members. The magazine is filled with news of concern to the general membership, historical articles, technical information, factory bulletins, sales literature and training material. This material can be of great assistance when trying to figure out how something worked that is over 50 years old.

Please take a moment to see what the original Hupp Herald looked like as well as todays version by clicking below

Hupmobile Club Roster


Every other year the Hupmobile Club assembles and sends a roster to the members. The roster lets members know where the other members are located.


1940 Model R Skylark Sedan

The Skylark was produced from 1939 through 1940. Some cars were assembled in 1941, using available spare parts, and sold as 1941.